Tuesday, 9 January 2018

Reasons to go solar now in Kenya

Solar energy is booming now more than ever, with every part of the globe crying over the rapid change of weather being brought by global warming. Government and nonprofit NGOs are encouraging households, institution and government to go solar. Solar is the ultimate weapon to global warming and a clean green environment. By choosing to install solar panel for electricity, you save a lot on grid consumption which use fossil fuels to generate its electricity. On the hand installing solar water heaters you save still on having to heat water using the same fossil fuel generated electricity. So the big question is, if you can save this much using solar energy, why not invest on it?

Below are 5 reasons why you should install solar power in Kenya? 

Government is getting serious about solar so should you.

Recently the energy regulatory commission of Kenya released a public notice saying that “All premises within the jurisdiction of local authorities with hot water requirements of a capacity exceeding one hundred litres per day shall install and use solar heating systems” This regulation focuses on:

  • Domestic Residential Premises 
  • Educational Institutions 
  • Health Institutions 
  • Hotels and Lodges 
  • Restaurants, Cafeterias and other eating places 
  • Laundries.
ERC goes ahead and mentions in the public notice that “Within a period of five years from the effective date of the Regulations, all existing premises with hot water requirements of a capacity exceeding one hundred litres per day shall install and use solar heating systems”. This should be one of the reasons you go solar in Kenya. It’s a rule. Abide!!

Unstable grid power.

Black outs, failed transformers, over voltages, blue dresses men around your house every end month, why all this hustles while you can manage your power from home. Many are the times we here funny excuses from our grid company on why there is black out. We all have to admit that, the Kenya population is increasing rapidly and soon the power from our grid company won’t be enough for us all. And what will happen is that rationing of power will increase up to days per area. Can you handle that? I guess not. Then do what others are not doing and install solar power on your roof.

Solar energy increases the value of your home.

Apart from the aesthetics that solar panels installed to your roof give your house, the overall value of your house increases too. Looking at real estate business now, most of the house that you are likely to get has a solar energy system installed either solar water heater, solar energy back up or solar hybrid system? The houses with solar systems are usually expensive than the ones that are blank. You have to view solar energy as an asset not a liability.

Solar energy is the future.

Choosing going solar puts you ahead of the curve. Plus, there’s nothing way enticing than powering your entire home using energy from the sun, right? Deciding whether you’ll add solar panels at home is like pondering about your very first home purchase. It requires careful thought and consideration but the benefits you’ll reap are undeniable. Go solar today and see how it can transform your life for the better.

Solar power helps you be independent of electricity.

You won’t be in the mercy of utility providers. They can raise energy costs all they want but it you won’t be affected at all. When there are blackouts, you’d still have power since you rely on solar energy, which is a renewable source. As long as the sun is up there, even during cloudy days, you are good.

1 comment:

Rejoicing after power blackout in Kenya

 Why it was rejoice time after Power Black out in Kenya. January 9th 2018 It was time for power back ups to prove how long they can back u...